Overview of an International Conference on UCD (Uneven and Combined Development)

BY / 05/09/2023 /

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.1, 2023


Overview of an International Conference on UCD (Uneven and Combined Development)



Liang Guangyan


In May 2021, Cambridge Review of International Affairs and the European International Studies Association hosted two online discussions. Following Justin Rosenberg’s introduction which proposes a “special affinity” between UCD and International Relations (IR), four presenters at that event discussed their “views from outside” UCD, including perspectives from Global Historical Sociology, Realism, Decolonial theory and Gramscian Marxism. Then four commentators added their views on UCD and disciplinarity, the need for pluralism in UCD methodology, UCD and “whiteness”, and its potential contribution to ecological theory and practice.